On Saturday we went to Oxford to meet up with my brother, sister-in-law and my parents; my brother was having his graduation ceremony. They had been in Oxford fairly early as he had to collect his gowns, have a Hertford College lunch and then the ceremony. As tickets were limited Mike and I wandered around the shops and went to the Taylor Institute museum and met them afterwards for photos and a yummy meal. ('The Trout' in Oxford never fails to deliver).
He collected his Bachelors degree and as he booked his ceremony 7 years after his matriculation, he was automatically awarded with and Oxford MA too! Not too shabby. The whole ceremony was in Latin and sounded much more prestigious than any other graduation ceremony, with all of the history of Oxford University it must have been very traditional and British. Oxford definitely is a cool city and the architecture is amazing. We saw his old college and where he lived in his first year (probably the most posh 'halls' I have ever seen)! It really would be an experience to go to Uni there.

Sunday we went to see Mike's family after church and had a lovely roast dinner with my father-in-laws famous gravy! ( I had been craving it ever since I knew we were going there a few days before). We all took a walk afterwards and ended up getting some nettle stings as we got slightly lost down an overgrown bridle path! All fun and games...
Both families were keen to see my ever expanding belly (though they all say its small, I assure you it is huge lol) and I think everyone is taking bets as to what we are having - 3 weeks today we will know boy or girl...