At the end of October we headed up to my parents for the weekend, for my mum's birthday. We called into London on the way and picked up my brother and sis-in-law too so nearly all of the fam were there (we miss the Vegas Buecheles).
Bright and early the next morning my mum, sister Emma and I went to a car boot sale at York races. I even took up a few bits to sell (bags and shoes - it was time for a clear out). It all went really well, it was quite and experience, but it was cool to be able to make a bit of cash super early on a Saturday morning. Mike thought I wouldn't make any money off my things so it was nice to prove him wrong ;)
We then went for a wander around Ripley, got an ice cream, played Wii and then all went out for dinner. Got to get a few pics of our lovely nephew Harrison...

Onto the bump. Here is what I was looking like at 36 weeks preg... (slightly Chinese I think, it was an early morning)!

And at 37 weeks...

Baby U is ready to come into the world, his head has been engaged for quite a while so we are counting down the days - 11 until due date. I really hope that he isn't super late, but hey, what is a few days after 9 months?!
So what is going on with us? I started maternity leave this week and so far I am loving it! It is so nice to not have to get up and go to work. I am also feeling so so so tired with the latter part of this pregnancy so it is great to just be able to nap whenever I need to. I have been to the temple, done some shopping, cleaned the house like a crazy woman and have even made a start with my Christmas shopping and hopefully can get this all sorted before the baby arrives.
Mike has been working hard in London and doing some extra freelance work. Hopefully he will be doing something with his dad in the new year so he is rather excited for that.
We have both been busy 'nesting' and Mike has been great with helping with all of the painting and finishing off all the bits that I can't do. We re-vamped an old chest of drawers for the baby's room and have all of his things set out and laid out. The moses basket is ready in our room, is that a little sad? All is missing now is him :)
We are still unsure of names for Baby U so watch this space... There a few that we like but everyone keeps telling us that as soon as you see them you know what to call them, so we are hoping that works for us.
A few weekends ago we went on a tour of the hospital so we know where to go and what the rooms are like etc and it was so scary! It just means it is so close but it's exciting at the same time.
Mike and I are still kept busy with our church callings. I have been travelling around the stake a little bit, to visit other wards for their primary presentations and it's been really nice (the stake boundary is huge though)! Still learning a lot about the calling and we had the stake primary leadership meeting in October. I was soooo nervous about giving my presentation, public speaking is not my favourite thing (is it any ones favourite thing?!) but it went really well so I was really grateful. Mike is still YM president and they are all a very active bunch so it means lots of sports and circuit nights which Mike loves.
We have been making the most of just being able to get up and go to places so have had plenty of cinema trips, (Breaking Dawn tickets booked for this Friday - yeees)! Had a few meals out and taken random shopping trips. We recently went to Bluewater in Kent and popped into the Cadbury Cocoa House for something to eat. It was such a cute little shop and the food was amazing... We had white hot chocolate and orange to drink (lets just not think about the calories)!

Wish me luck for the next few weeks... Next time I blog we will most likely be parents! Eeeek!
Until next time... B x