The Kitchen before...
The kitchen after...
The lounge before...
The lounge after...
Bathroom before (didn't actually get any of it, but it's the room straight ahead in the pic with the pink carpet, yum)...
The bathroom after...
Bedrooms before (only got pic of one of them, but you get the minging jist)...
Bedroom pics after (only taken pics of the biggest two, the third is painted a lovely light green but at the moment it's my dressing / craft / sewing / junk room so haven't taken any pics)...
Hallway & stairs....
Hallway & stairs....
It was such hard work and really stressful as we were living there WHILST renovating, but now we have a home we love and we can just laugh when we look back at that time.
I remember when the kitchen was being put in, we had a little fridge and microwave plugged in in the front room and that was how we ate for a week! (With disposable plates, obvs).
I also remember coming home to no heating or running water, in winter, over a weekend, as the plumber didn't finish his job on time. We had to go round to friends homes or the gym for a shower and luckily our chapel isn't far and Mike had a key, so we drove over to the chapel to use the loo! haha good times...
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