Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Up to date...

Shared by Rebecca U at 7:48 PM
Well, first off I need to apologise. Being the very 'un-technical' person that I am, I thought that you could upload pictures from Instagram and save them on your computer. I haven't figured out how to do it yet, or if it's even possible, it might just be a smartphone thing, so yes, apologies for no pictures. I now know that I need to take pictures with a proper camera and not just my phone!

I'll start off with the little guy in my life; Max. He is now 8 months (very nearly 9 months actually).

- He is fully on the move crawling everywhere and at lightening speed. So it's fun making sure there is nothing around that he can break or pick up and put in his mouth from the floor.

- He has two front teeth on the bottom and I'm pretty sure his top two will be making an appearance soon if his screams at night and gifts in his nappy are anything to go by.
- He is very vocal and constantly making noise but such cute noise, I love it.

- I think Max has also inherited my hair... poor guy. It's a really light blonde BUT it has started to get curls! It looks so cute, just need to get some more hair as at the moment its just a curly tuft on the top of his head and tufts by his ears. Ha he looks so bald. Now is when I really need pictures!

- He feeds really well and loves to eat everything (and ANYthing). He will just sit and suck on a lemon - thanks to daddy for figuring that one out!

Now on to the big guy in my life... Mr U. His birthday was a few days a go and he is now the bid two-seven! He was really bothered about it too. But a malteaser cake and hotel chocolat softened the blow. We got to have a meal out together too, just us, which has been a while so that was lovely. We spent the day in Eastbourne and went to the pier, ate sea food (I tried octopus for the first time) sat by the beach and walked over to beachy head. It was a lovely sunny day too - bonus!

All for now - I will get on with some new pictures as it makes posts so much more interesting!

FYI - I have recently deactivated my facebook account... but do still keep in touch. I'm on pinterest (, Twitter @rcu87 and Instagram rcu87


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