Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Wish List.... (Cont.)

Shared by Rebecca U at 5:29 PM
So, with those four Christmas list rules in mind - here is my Christmas Wish List...

1. Something I want - a white Toywatch. I have wanted one of these forever (particularly after seeing Sandra Bullock wearing one in 'The Blind Side'). I have had a wannabe Toywatch, which obviously didn't last very long, so I would love a genuine one.

2. Something I need - so boring but I really need some new socks! I think I must have moths in my sock drawer because they seem to always get holes in them...

Cute socks or creepy socks??

3. Something to eat - there can be a lot of chocolate around at Christmas so I would love some thing fruity like a nice fruit salad or some artificial fruit; lemon heads.

4. Something to read - I want to step up my running training and probably do a 10km in the New Year so a running / fitness magazine would be fab. (Or failing that, a good book - I need a new book to read so any recommendations are welcome. I tried to read 'The Host' in anticipation for the film of it coming out but I really couldn't get into it, not my fave).

Hope you get all you want for Christmas and give what you want xoxo


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