Friday, January 11, 2013

Oreo Fudge Brownies...

Shared by Rebecca U at 7:35 PM
"There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate" - Charles Dickens

The hubs and I have a rare and exciting date night coming up tomorrow night, so in prep for our babysitters I thought I would bake them a chocolatey treat - Oreo Brownies! Hope they go down well - give them a go... (These are also adapted from a Lorraine Pascale recipe, I love her).

What you will need:

- 165g butter
- 200g dark chocolate, grated or finely chopped
- 3 eggs
- 2 egg yolks
- 2 tsp vanilla extract (again, try to avoid vanilla essence where possible)
- 165g soft light brown sugar
- 2 tbsp plain flour
- 1 tbsp cocoa powder
- Pinch of salt
- 154g pack of Oreos, broken into quarters


- Square baking tin
- Electric whisk (or a non-electric one and some arm power)
- Two large-ish bowls

What to do:

- Heat oven to 180 degrees C and grease the baking tin and line with greaseproof paper if you like to do that
- Melt the butter and chocolate in a bowl in the microwave, stirring well (or do in a pan).
- Whisk the eggs, egg yolks and vanilla together in a different bowl, until they are light and fluffy.
- Add the sugar and whisk until the mixture becomes stiffer.
- Once the egg mixture is ready, pour the chocolate mixture in.
- Add the flour, cocoa powder, salt and a third of the Oreos and stir until combined.
- Pour into the prepared baking tin and scatter the remaining Oreos on top; press them in slightly.
- Bake for 25-30 minutes (depending on how gooey you like brownies) and leave to cool before serving.
- Enjoy!


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