Saturday, May 11, 2013

All about: The Extreme Job Hunter

Shared by Rebecca U at 9:00 AM
This is Dan.

He is 27.

He is ginger.

He is looking for a job.

He is the extreme job hunter.

I met Dan several years back when I was at University in Leeds, as was he, and we became pretty good friends. He cracked me up straight away at a party, trying to fit fitting into a child's super man costume. He always had a great sense of humour and he is very creative and unique, so when I saw that he had labelled himself 'The Extreme Job Hunter' and has made his CV into a Top Trump card, in order to land himself a good job, I couldn't help but smile.

Check out his crazy stunts in order to get himself a job HERE.

So far he has:

- He has made a little video resume featuring his daughter...

- Put himself up for auction on eBay...

- Started a competition for anyone that can help him find a job. If something you do leads to him receiving a job he will buy you an iPad mini with his first pay check

- Made a pinnate, filled it with sweets and enclosed his CV in it and then sent into an office

- What's next??

Lets face it, if I was an employer, these unique and fun ways of applying for a job would really  impress me - it would certainly help to make him stand out from the rest of the usual black and white CVs. And his background is in advertising / social media so he would be a perfect fit for a job like that - surely??

Can you help my mate Dan?

If so email: or you can follow him on Twitter @xtremejobhunter - you would win an ipad mini so think its definitely worth a try... right?


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